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"no borrowed scans here nor i cut and pasted from other web sites. all notes displaying here are mine"

06 March 2025

...Macau, Banco Nacional Ultramario - 2020 Series ND2025

(Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China)
(Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
(Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Est.1902 in Macau)
(National Overseas Bank)
 Currency: Patacas (MOP)
Here are the two notes of 50 and 100 patacas both released on 20.01.2025. These are the second phase of the 2020 series where the notes for 10 and 20 patacas were first issued for circulation in early 2023. Traditionally, new banknotes are in demand before the new year and one would assume these were released to meet the public demand. The next two notes to be released are the 500 and 1000 patacas.
As there are two banknotes issuing authority in Macau (Banco Nacional Ultramarino and Bank of China), each bank is allowed to issue the following quantity: -
50 Patacsa - 50 million pieces; and
100 Patacas - 80 million pieces
Theme for this series is similar to the previous issues for the 10 and 20 patacas. On the front for each denomination, it depicts the new and old facades of the bank's headquarters - Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU) in Macau and on the back of each note, the design features an old map of Macau depicting different eras from 1635 to 2022.
These two notes are both dated 18.05.2020, same date as the 10 and 20 patacas 2024 issues.
Fifty Patacsa
President - Carlos Manuel Sobral Cid Da Costa Alvares 
Member - Cecilia Kou
Watermark - Lotus flower and electrotype 50
Dimensions - 149.5mm x 69.5mm
Front - New and old facades of the bank's headquarters - Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU) in Macau. BNU was founded in Lisbon in Portugal in 1864. Historically, BNU is a Portuguese bank with operations operated mostly in Portugal's former overseas occupied territories. In 2001, it ceased existence as an independent entity in Portugal, and today BNU's headquarters is based in Macau. To the upper right is the Lotus flower, Macau's floral emblem, printed with an optical variable magnetic ink feature.
Back - A map of Macau of 1889. The map show how the map of Macau transformation over the years, with land reclamation which significantly altering it's shape. Accompanying the map are vessels from the corresponding era, providing a fascinating glimpse into Macau's maritime history. A sailboat sailing to the right of the enclave of Macau and a few more on the other side. A tall tree is printed in the center left of the note.
One Hundred Patacas 
President - Carlos Manuel Sobral Cid Da Costa Alvares 
Member - Cecilia Kou
Watermark - Lotus flower and electrotype 100
Dimensions - 154.5mm x 77mm

Front - Basically the design on the front for this series are all the same, albeit the colour, sizes and face values. BNU (together with Bank of China) are the only two commercial banks to have the authority to issue banknotes in Macau. BNU is permitted to keep issuing pataca banknotes until October 2023. 
Back - Macau's map of 1949. The land area continues to expand and this time we can see a reservoir is added and land extension mostly on the north-west and the south-east area. The other most obvious change is the reverse L shape of land extended from the mainland. A fishing trawler is depicted on the eastern side of Macau, and a steam ferry and a small fishing boat on the other side of the enclave. There is also another boat positioned very close to the ferry.

12 February 2025

...Macau, 中國银行 Banco Da China - 2020 Series ND2025

(Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
(Banco Da China / Bank of China, Est.1950)
Currency - Patacas (MOP)
Here are the two notes both released on 20.01.2025. These are the second phase of the 2020 series where the notes for 10 and 20 patacas were issued for circulation in early 2024. Traditionally, new banknotes are in demand before the new year and one would assume these were released to meet the public demand. The next two notes to be released are the 500 and 1000 patacas.
As there are two banknotes issuing authority in Macau (Bank of China and Banco Nacional Ultramarino), each bank is allowed to issue the following quantity: -
50 Patacsa - 50 million pieces; and
100 Patacas - 80 million pieces
The designs for this new series features Chinese traditional on the front, and on the back showcasing Macau's iconic landmarks and symbols. As expected, the design on the front is the same for both notes, except for the denomination values. This series is dated 18.05.2020.
All four notes issued since 2024 are all dated 18.05.2020. Whilst the most recent two notes are dated the same as the first two notes of 10 and 20 patacas, the General Manager of Macau Branch was only appointed to the role on 21/06/2024. The previous notes were signed by Mr Li Guang 李光 (tenure 2017-2024).
Fifty Patacas
Director-Geral Da Sucursal de Macau - 賈天兵 Jia Tianbing
Date - 二零二零年五月十八日 (2020 May 18th)
Watermarks - Lotus flower and electrotype 50
Dimensions - 150mm x 70mm

Front - Southern Lion (represents the spirit of Macau). Bank of China building in Macau. To the top right is an image of a lion head printed in optically variable ink (OVI).
Back - Kiang Wu History Museum. This museum is located within the Kiang Wu Hospital in Macau, which was established in 1989 by the Kiang Wu Hospital Charity Association. The Kiang Wu History Museum building was built in 1892 and was once used as a pharmacy owned by Dr Sun Yat-sen, the Father of modern China. The building was then acquired by the Macau government in 2011. This museum is located at 58-68 Rua de Coelho do Amaral, Macau. Admission is free and open every day except Saturday and public holidays. Also printed in the background is a larger building. However, I am unable to say which or the name of this building. I have a feeling that it might be related to Kiang Wu Hospital.
One Hundred Patacas
Director-Geral Da Sucursal de Macau - 賈天兵 Jia Tianbing
Date - 二零二零年五月十八日 (2020 May 18th)
Watermarks - Lotus flower and electrotype 100
Dimensions - 154mm x 77.5mm 
Front - Southern Lion (represents the spirit of Macau). Bank of China building in Macau. To the top right is an image of a lion head printed in optically variable ink (OVI).
Back - Tung Sin Tong Historical Archive Exhibition Hall. The building that housed Tung Sin Tong Historical Archive Exhibition Hall was built in 1924 and served as a free school, clinic and medication center. The exhibition hall was opened to the public in 2012. In 2012, Tung Sin Tong celebrated 120 years of its establishment and decided to open it's historical archives exhibition to the public. This museum is open every day except on Tuesday and Macau's public holidays. Admission is free. To the left is an image of a tree.

27 January 2025

...China - 20 Yuan 蛇年 Commemorative Year of the Snake 2025 萬家慶豐年

(Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó)
(People's Republic of China)

中国人民银行 (中國人民銀行)
(Zhōngguó Rénmín Yínháng / People's Bank of China)
Currency : Renminbi 人民币 (CNY)
29 January 2025 to 17 February 2026 (384 days)
On 09.01.2024, China issued the first of the 12 commemorative notes celebrating the Chinese New Year Zodiac series - the Year of the Dragon. On 03.01.2025, the central bank released the second note of the new year series celebrating the Year of the Snake.
It is unclear when the origins of the Chinese zodiac system first started, but it is believed this tradition was first established during the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE). 
The Year of the Snake commences on 29.01.2025 and will end on 17.02.2026. In total, there are 384 days for the Year of the Snake and this is because it is a leap year in the Chinese calendar (13 months). People who are born in the Year of the Snake are said to be wise, enigmatic, and sympathetic. Are there any politicians born in the Year of the Snake?

In China, the new year public holidays commencing from 28.01.2025 to 03.02.2025, and as the tradition goes, many people who are working away from their hometown will be traveling back to their home to have a family reunion dinner on new year eve and welcome the new year with family and friends the next day. 
The theme design for this note is similar to the 2024 Dragon note. Both notes are printed with a Zodiac animal respectively and on the back featuring three children welcoming the new year. Whilst the format is the same, one most noticeable difference is the denomination value (20贰拾圆) on the from. For this series, it is printed on the left, instead on the right. This note is printed with a "J" prefix, followed by 9 digits. Traditionally, the prefix "J" is reserved for all commemorative banknote series. It is also believed that only one letter prefix is printed. Like the first series of the Dragon note, this Snake note is also printed in vertical format on the front and back, and maintains some of the features of the Dragon note. Also as this note is for the celebration of the Year of the Snake, the artistic/ancient word "Fu" (福) on the bottom transparent window, which can be seen on either side of the note has also been altered. The word 福 is made out from two symbols. The left symbol of "礻" has been modified to look like an image of a snake, just like the 2024 Dragon note.  
A total of 100 million pieces were issued for this series, and all sold out. These notes were sold at face value via online application, and all sold out within minutes. Each person is allowed to purchase up to 20 pieces. Despite such restrictions, there are people selling them with stock in excess of 20 pieces. Given such a high demand, I wonder if any of these ended up in red packets? Traditionally, giving out cash is still the preferred option then buying gifts for the new year celebration. Cash is (always) king!

After this, ten more to go!

Twenty Yuan
Signature - Bank square seal
Date - 2025年
Quantity - 100 million pieces
Dimensions - 70mm x 145mm
Front - An image of an embroidered snake in red, green and black colours in a coiled up position. I am not sure if there is any meaning to this or just an artist's impression. On the head of the snake is an image of a flying bat and a heart/fan shape pattern at the end of the snake's tail. In ancient China, bats (蝙蝠) were considered auspicious, and were often used in patterns to represent good fortune and longevity. To the Chinese, the second word 蝠 (fu) is homophonous with the Chinese word for 'blessing; good fortune; and bliss'. Also the snake is holding an object in it's mouth, and I have been told by a collector that it is a Ganoderma, a kind of mushroom (Lingzhi in Chinese). It is believed in Chinese culture, symbolising divine power and longevity. The Chinese Coat of Arms is printed on the top left corner. Generally speaking, the design for this note is not overcrowded nor incorporated with other features other than those intended for this festive celebration. The predominately colour for this note is red, which is always associated with auspicious occasions, such as new year celebration, weddings, birthdays, birth of a child or any occasions that would bring a smile to their faces.  
Back - Three children putting up an auspicious Spring Festival couplet. Whilst the boy in the middle is holding up the couplet, the girl to his left is holding up a bowl of glue (presumably) and to his right is a boy handing out a brush to apply the glue onto the wall. I believe the five characters written on the couplet are -
萬家慶豐年 (Thousand families celebrating new year). Traditionally, couplets with various auspicious words are hung around the house during the new year celebration. Here are some of Cantonese popular couplets - 新年快樂, 入出安全, 老少平安, 大吉大利, 年年有餘, 龍馬精神 and if you are self employed - 生意興隆 which I think is the most important one, and so on. Of course there are no limitations to what you can put up and it's only up to your own imaginations. In the background are residential buildings from Shanxi Province in central north China (near Beijing).
rat  ox  tiger  rabbit  dragon  SNAKE  horse  goat  monkey  rooster  dog  pig

19 November 2024

...Hong Kong, Standared Chartered Bank - 2023 Reprints Of $20, $50 And $500

(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
(Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (founded 1859)
Currency - Dollar (HKD)
Here are the three known Standard Chartered Bank's banknotes issued with the date of 01.01.2023. The three notes are the $20, $50 and $500. It is not sure if others are also printed but not issued yet. The other two issuing-banknote commercial banks, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Bank of China also released the denominations of $50 and $500 but none has released a full set for the 2023 series. However, Standard Chartered Bank did release a full set for the 2020 series from $20 to $1000.
The theme on the back for each note for all three banks are the same, albeit the designs are not the same.
Twenty Dollars
Chief Financial Officer - Saleen Razvi (tenure 2021-)
Chief Executive - Huen Wai Yi Mary (tenure 2017-)
Watermark - Bauhinia flower and electrotype 20
Dimensions - 144.5mm x 72mm
Front - The designs on the front for all the notes are almost the same with the bank's main headquarter office in Hong Kong (Des Voeux, Central). On the top right hand corner, each note is printed with a dynamic shimmering pattern in green and when the note is tilted, a ring appearing in a lighter green colour moves around as well. The dynamic shimmering patterns on the notes are - $20 (two leaves), $50 (butterfly) and $500 (three pentagon objects). A Windowed Metallic Thread is also incorporated on the note, and when the note is tilted, the large and small rings on the metallic thread move correspondingly.
Back - A smiling waiter filling up a tea pot with hot water with a family of three enjoying their yum cha. Chinese lanterns as decorating objects hanging in the restaurant. The theme for this note is Tea Culture.


Fifty Dollars
Chief Financial Officer - Saleen Razvi (tenure 2021-)
Chief Executive - Huen Wai Yi Mary (tenure 2017-)
Watermark - Bauhinia flower and electrotype 50 
Dimensions  -149mm x 74.5mm
Back - A Blue-Spotted Crow butterfly feeding on a flower. To the right is a caterpillar (larva), and underneath is a chrysalis (pupa). This is basically featuring a life cycle of a butterfly. Theme - Butterfly and Flowers.

Five Hundred Dollars
Chief Financial Officer - Saleen Razvi (tenure 2021-)
Chief Executive - Huen Wai Yi Mary (tenure 2017-)
Watermark - Bauhinia flower and electrotype 500
Dimensions - 159.5mm x 80mm
Back - Natural Scenery theme with the image of the Hexagonal Rock Columns situated at the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark in the eastern and northeastern New Territories. Theme - Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark.


04 November 2024

...Hong Kong, Bank Of China - 2023 Reprints of $20, $50 And $500

(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
(Bank of China [Hong Kong] Limited, founded 1964)
Currency - Dollar (HKD)
Here are the three reprinted banknotes of $20, $50 and $500, all printed with the date of 01.01.2023. This series was first introduced in 2018, and since then few reprints have been released in 2020, 2021, and now 2023. Despite the initial release being in full set of five notes, since then only odd notes were reprinted for the 2020, 2021 and 2023 dated notes.
There are no changes to the designs except for the new date of 01.01.2023. So far, these are the only two banknotes sighted and it is not sure if other denominations have been printed and waiting to be released.

Twenty Dollars
Sun Yu 孫煜 (Chief Executive since 23.12.2020)
Watermark - A bauhinia flower and electrotype 20
Dimensions - 144.5mm x 72.5mm  
Front - The city’s landmark Bank of China (HK) Tower on the front and a bauhinia flower, the floral emblem of Hong Kong. 
Back - A Chinese teapot with two cups. In the background are two bamboo steamers (zhenglong) with har gao and siew mai. Four shapes of tea leaves are also printed in the background. Theme - Tea Culture.

Fifty Dollars
Sun Yu 孫煜 (Chief Executive since 23.12.2020)
Watermarks - A bauhinia flower and electrotype 50
Dimensions - 149mm x 75mm
Front - The city’s landmark Bank of China (HK) Tower on the front and a bauhinia flower, the floral emblem of Hong Kong.
Back - Ecological Conservation theme with the image of a butterfly feeding on a flower. Theme - Butterfly and Flowers.

Five Hundred Dollars
Sun Yu 孫煜 (Chief Executive since 23.12.2020)
Watermarks - A bauhinia flower and electrotype 500
Dimensions - 159mm x 79.5mm
Front - The city’s landmark Bank of China (HK) Tower on the front and a bauhinia flower, the floral emblem of Hong Kong.
Back - Natural Scenery theme with the image of the Hexagonal Rock Columns situated at the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark in the eastern and northeastern New Territories. Theme - Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark